The Flute Studio
Austin Peay State University
Where your success is my goal.

APSU Flute Studio
A friendly, supportive atmosphere is the hallmark of the APSU Flute Studio and Department of Music and together we all flourish and grow.
You will be part of an exciting flute community where everyone succeeds through collaboration and teamwork. From day one, you'll have lots of flute friends…and they will be part of your supportive community.

The Flute Studio Experience
Weekly lessons are where you receive individualized attention. We isolate the components of flute playing and create a plan to enhance your strengths and address your weaknesses.
With foundational skills firmly established, you will tackle exciting repertoire.
Throughout the semester, you will build a video portfolio so you will always have material at your fingertip to apply for masterclasses, summer programs, graduate programs or a job.

Studio classes and recitals
Weekly studio classes provide a collaborative experience where classmates provide constructive and inspiring feedback (and develop their teaching skills).
This is a safe and friendly environment designed to address mental barriers and build build confidence.
Then, you will be prepared to show off your skills on formal recitals, concerts, masterclasses and competitions.

As bonus activities, we have guest artists such as Lorna McGhee, Rhonda Larson and William Bennett. We also have an annual “Flute Day”.
We secure funding through the university so the studio can attend nearby flute festivals. (Road trip!) Here are some of us at the Mid-South Flute Festival.

Flute Choir

Each year, the flute choir presents four-concerts. One concert is a themed “intermission interruption” at a Gateway Chamber Orchestra concert. Audiences love it!

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What's next?
Will I have what I need to get a job or into grad school?
The success rate of APSU flute students graduating and starting their career or being accepted into graduate programs is very high. Why?
When you graduate, you will be more than an just amazing flutist. You will be poised to begin the next phase of your career with unique experiences, knowledge and insights specifically designed to give you a competitive edge.
You can have your dream of being a music educator, studio teacher or going to a graduate program.